Low Pressure Moulding
1.52mm and 2.41mm

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3002 Zierick QC: PCB Receptacles 1.52mm and 2.41mm Round or Square PIN - Bottom Entry 4 Beam Zierick QC: PCB Receptacles 1.52mm and 2.41mm Round or Square PIN - Bottom Entry 4 Beam
0.060" (1.52mm), 0.031" x 0.062" (0.79mm x 1.57mm), 0.045" (1.14mm) and 0.090" (2.29mm) Bottom Entry 4 Beam Receptacles.
(1.52mm and 2.41mm - Zierick)
3000 Zierick QC: PCB Receptacles 1.52mm only Round or Square PIN - Bottom Entry 4 Beam Zierick QC: PCB Receptacles 1.52mm only Round or Square PIN - Bottom Entry 4 Beam
0.095" (2.41mm), 0.060" (1.52mm) and 0.095" (2.41mm) Bottom Entry 4 Beam Receptacles.
(1.52mm and 2.41mm - Zierick)
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